Saturday 17 February 2007


Overall i feel that we have worked well together on this project.
Even though we all wanted to explore a similar theme i thought that working in a three would prove to be too crowded but it wasn't at all. It was good in a way as all three of us brought different views, ideas and thoughts together so we ended up having many dimensions to work with/from.
As you can see, documented on the blog is almost day by day updates of the video in its progression and how we decided to change aspects of it and stick with other parts.
The video overall took us almost a month to make and perfect, and we put so much effort into it; just because there were three of us didn't mean it was any faster or easier to produce a piece; in fact quite the opposite. I do think we worked together well and it was good to have others to bounce ideas off and compare with; whereas working on your own doesn't give you the chance to question your work; and other people might be afraid to also question what you have done in fear of offending your work.
On the last two weeks leading to presentation we perfected the sound and Carol made the sphere for the projection/installation. It was always our intention to project onto some kind of spherical object and so we concentrated a lot on getting this right for the day. We went in, measuring distances and heights and testing with the projector just exactly how it needed to be to get the image dead central on the ball.
On the day it went well, i feel we got our points and intentions across well. Like i said in an earlier blog, we didn't want to give away too much about the content of the video as this was up to the minds of those watching; and even though there are three of us who worked together on this, i think we all get a different interpretation from it.

I can't say i was a fan of video art, and i do still find some video art confusing and odd and often avoid it when i'm in galleries, down to my own ignorance. But i have enjoyed making my/our own piece; and i think if i saw ours in a gallery that i would actually watch. Some abstract pieces of video art I've seen really don't appeal to me, but then neither does abstract painting so maybe that is a personal thing. I like things i watch, be it, TV, film, video art to have a narrative or a least some kind of plot, chronological or not, so i can at least try to draw something from it. Some of the pieces that were presented on the Friday were great and i really enjoyed them, but others didn't appeal to me, not that they weren't good, but i just got a little distracted and wasn't really paying attention. I think that is why we had a kind of narrative in ours, so it followed and people kept there vigilance about them; so they would keep watching to see what happened next.

Video is maybe a medium i may consider to explore further, i have really enjoyed the project, it's been hard work but i feel we really did put so much effort in and produced a piece that we were proud of.

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